Person Type: Status Unknown
Name: Susanne Modeski
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Sex: Female

History: In 1989, Susanne Modeski was charged with murder, terrorism, and sabotage, allegedly having attempted to subvert government programs at the Army Advanced Weapons Facility in White Stone, New Mexico, where she had been employed. Contacting John Byers, then of the FCC, Modeski claimed that she was innocent of all charges and stated that she had been participating in a government program to release ergotamine-histomine gas (E-H), which induces anxiety and paranoia, on the people of Baltimore. She claimed to want to reveal the program to the public and prevent its deployment. When Agt. Mulder attempted to arrest Modeski, she was abducted by unidentified men. Modeski shot and killed those men before they could execute Agt. Mulder; she then escaped. When Byers, along with Ringo Langly and Melvin Frohike, located Modeski, she was again abducted, this time by the man identified only as Mr. X.

Position: Research Scientist for the Department of Defense (formerly)

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